Educational Resources
Browse the Trainor, Pezzulo & DeSanto PLLC blog for legal educational information and definitions to help you prepare for your next steps. Disclaimer: The legal information presented here SHOULD NOT be relied upon as legal advice, which can only be given after an attorney-client relationship is established. Its purpose is to provide information, rather than advice or opinion and is accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge as of the date initially presented. Accordingly, this information should not be viewed as a solicitation for a specific legal matter or a substitute for the guidance and recommendations of a retained professional. Read the full disclaimer here.

What to Expect for Civil Litigation
The litigation process uses unfamiliar words and terms. The process itself can seem complex and the rules are difficult to understand and apply in a “common sense” fashion. We strive to educate my clients both before commencing suit and during the litigation as to what to expect when appearing in court, for a pre-trial deposition or during motion practice and settlement negotiations.

Federal Student Loans: Income Driven Repayment Plan or an Adversary Proceeding in Bankruptcy.
With student loan payments restarting in October of 2023, many borrowers are taking a hard look at what options are available for repayment. We’ve compiled some information regarding the new SAVE Income Drive Repayment plan and a bankruptcy adversary proceeding.

Clients Rights and Responsibilities: What to Know About Working With an Attorney
When you work with a lawyer, you’re entitled to representation of the highest quality and in keeping with ethical standards. As with doctors, clients come to their attorney with various problems, some minor and some major; problems that they cannot solve on their own which puts them in a vulnerable position, letting the fate of that matter rely in their attorney’s hands. So, what rights do you have when engaging the services of attorneys?

The Legalization of the Recreational Use of Marijuana
On March 31, 2021, New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act legalizing recreational use and possession of marijuana. Under the law, two new government agencies, the Cannabis Control Board and the Office of Cannabis Management, are being created to issue licenses for dispensaries and producers and collect sales tax.

Paralegals in Today’s World
The demand for paralegals is on the rise. A paralegal career gives countless opportunities to make a difference in the lives of many people. The role of the paralegal in the legal field often directly impacts the clients and the community, and even the direction of the law firm.

NY Court Operation Updates
The COVID-19 shutdown has caused uncertainty across the spectrum of areas in which we practice and this is evident especially in navigating the various NY Courts where we represent our clients. Within the past few weeks, New York Courts have released guidance on re-opening operations and resuming jury trials.

Notary and Notarization in Malta, NY
Many of us have needed our signatures notarized at one point or another. You may have asked yourself: “Why is it necessary to have my signature notarized?” This blog serves to examine this question and more and offer insight into the same.