Educational Resources
Browse the Trainor, Pezzulo & DeSanto PLLC blog for legal educational information and definitions to help you prepare for your next steps. Disclaimer: The legal information presented here SHOULD NOT be relied upon as legal advice, which can only be given after an attorney-client relationship is established. Its purpose is to provide information, rather than advice or opinion and is accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge as of the date initially presented. Accordingly, this information should not be viewed as a solicitation for a specific legal matter or a substitute for the guidance and recommendations of a retained professional. Read the full disclaimer here.

Contracts 101
Contracts can occur in almost every aspect of our lives – personal and professional. Most people sign contracts and many times do not even read them (scary situation). Contracts can seem daunting and unfamiliar. Let’s try to break down some basics on contracts.

Starting Your Own Business
You’ve done your research, picked out a great name, web domain and phone number but how do you become legally recognized as a business? Every business has pros and cons. Once you have the building blocks of how to build a great company, its time to get down to the nuts and bolts and not so glamorous side of starting your own business.